The "Tracking Detector Department" named in the past as "The Group of gas-discharge
devices" was formed in 1972 at PNPI. A.G.Krivshich heads this department starting from 1982.
The first proportional chambers, have been designed and produced at PNPI by this team
in 1973.
From that time till now most of the gaseous particle detectors for the high-energy physics
experiments, carried out by PNPI HEPhD in different world scientific centers, have been
designed and produced by this department. It was proportional and drift chambers with
different types of readout (anode readout, cathode strip readout, charge division readout
etc.), transition radiation detectors etc.
Historical overview of main activities).
At present the Tracking Detector Department participates in several international projects
carried out in the leading world scientific centres: CMS and ATLAS (CERN, Switzerland),
Moun-capture (PSI, Switzerland), SELEX (FNAL, USA), HERMES (DESY, Germany) and some others.
Current Projects).