The "Elementary Particle Physics Laboratory" named in the past as
"The Nuclear Structure Laboratory" was formed in 1963 in PNPI
(at that time PNPI was a branch-institute of the Leningrad
Physico-Technical Institute). Up to 2002, this laboratory was
headed by Prof. A.A.Vorobyov.
The first investigations were devoted to study of ternary fission
(at the PNPI nuclear reactor) and of proton-proton and proton-nucleus
elastic scattering (at the PNPI 1 GeV proton accelerator). However,
practically from the very beginning the activity of the laboratory was not
limited to investigations at the PNPI basic facilities, but an active
collaboration with other nuclear centres was carried out. In 1973, an
intensive program on nuclear structure studies was started in
collaboration with the Saclay (Saturn) laboratory. Then, experiments on
small angle scattering of hadrons were performed at CERN using the
recoil detector IKAR worked out at PNPI. Very fruitful investigations of
the muon catalized dd- and dt- fusion were carried out at PNPI and at
PSI (in collaboration with PNPI).
Historical overview of main activities).
At present, the Elementary Particle Physics Laboratory participates in
several international projects carried out in the leading world scientific
L3, CMS, LHCb, ATLAS (CERN, Switzerland), SELEX, D0 (FNAL, USA), and
some others
Current Projects).