In the end of 60s, the study of the global characteristics of the hadron interactions was
of common interest.
The behaviour of the total cross sections for the hadron interactions and the shrinkage
of the diffraction cone with the energy increasing were hot topics at that time.
In particular, the theory of Regge poles predicted constancy of the total cross sections
in the asymptotic region of high energies accompanied by the logarithmic shrinkage of
the diffraction cone. Also, it was a question whether the dispersion relations between
the real part of the forward scattering amplitude and the total cross section remain valid.
In 1969, a new experimental method was suggested and worked out at PNPI for studies of the
small-angle scattering of high energy hadrons. A hydrogen-filled ionization chamber (IKAR)
used as a recoil detector was the base of the method. This method provided precise
measurements of the differential cross sections for small-angle scattering of various
hadrons with the absolute normalization at the 1% precision level.
First experiments using this method were carried out at PNPI in 1972. The pp scattering in
the energy internal from 600 to 1000 MeV was investigated. In these experiments,
the "puzzle of Dutton" was solved, and the validity of the dispersion relations in pp
scattering at this energy was restored. Then, pp scattering at the energy of 40 GeV was
studied at IHEP (Serpukhov). Later, pp scattering was studied at the energy up to 140 GeV
(CERN, WA9 experiment), and at the energy to 400 GeV (CERN, NA8 experiment). These
experiments yielded important results concerning the hadron interaction at available at
that time energies. The most important results are the observation of the universal rise
of the total cross sections and the universal shrinkage of the diffraction cone with the
energy increasing.
(For more detail review see article "Diffraction scattering of high energy hadrons"
in PNPI report of the High Energy Physics Division
"Main Scientific Activities 1971-1996").