In 90s, after completion the investigation of
p± p
elastic scattering new experiments on the study
p- p
charge exchange scattering
® p0n
started at the PNPI pion channel.
Different types of devices for registering the recoil neutrons and photons produced as a
results of the decay
®2g were developed in the Laboratory: neutron detectors on the base of big
scintillators, electromagnetic calorimeters made of lead glass Cherenkov blocks and CsI(Na) crystals,
p0 spectrometer consisting of two electromagnetic CaI(Na) calorimeters. Up to now,
measurements of the differential cross sections of the reaction
® p0n for backward and for forward angles have been performed in the energy range from 300 to 585 MeV.
Also, the yields of the
η-production reaction
® h n
were measured at the PNPI pion channel at several energies in the region of the
h-production threshold. These measurements have allowed to obtain an independent estimation of the
h mass value.
At the end of 80s, a new series of experiments on measuring the spin rotation parameters
R in
p± p
elastic scattering started at the pion channel of the ITEP synchrotron covering energies from 900 to 2000 MeV. Such measurement was performed in the above mentioned energy range for the first time in the world.
The experimental rogram is carried out by PNPI scientist and engineers in collaboration with physicists of Institute for Theoretical and Experimental Physics (Moscow).
Measurement of the spin rototion parameter
A and
R is a key experiment in the whole program of studying
p± p
elastic scattering since only such measurement permits to remove discrete ambiguities arising in the course of phase shift analysis. Till now, the spin rotation parameters in
p± p
scattering are measured at ITEP at several energies in the range from 875 to 1500 MeV. The experiments is going on.
In 1994 the Meson Physics Laboratory entered the international collaboration performing the program
"baryon and hyperon spectroscopy with the Crystal Ball". This collaboration was formed finally in 1995-1997, it included 14 institutions from 5 countries. Several experiments E913/914/953/958
were carried out during the period 1997-2002 in the C6 line of the Alternating Gradient Synchrotron at the Brookhaven National Laboratory (USA).
Both pion and kaon beams were used in these experiments. Data obtained will allow to investigate numerous reactions with neutral particles in the final states as well as to study rare and forbidden decays
η mesons produced in the reaction
® hn.
Now extensive data processing is underway in USA and in Gatchina; PNPI scientist A.B.Starostin defended in PNPI the Degree of Candidate of Physics and Mathematics "Measurement of
p0 production in the nuclear medium".
Since 1999, physicists of the
MPL are involved in one more collaboration based on the ELSA accelerator in Bonn. This electron accelerator has intense beams of tagged
photons with energy up to 3000 MeV and an excellent device - Crystal Barrel - for detecting multiphoton final states with a high efficiency. During the period from June 2002 till Jule 2003 the collaboration
has got more than 5000 hours of beam time. Photoproduction of different neutral mesons can be studied simultaneously including photoproduction off protons, neutrons and deuterons (in two last cases - using a liquid
deuterium target). Circularly-polarized photon beams are available also.