Participation in L3 experiment.
The L3 experiment is one of the four collider experiments at the e+e-  -collider LEP (CERN). PNPI has made important contributions to design and construction of the L3 detector. In particular, the End Cap trackers (FTC) were designed and constructed at PNPI. Also, the PNPI group participated in construction of the Muon System and the Electromagnetic Calorimeter, provided the water cooling racks for all L3 electronics and some other equipment. The PNPI group played an active role in running the experiment and in the data analysis.
Participation in SELEX: E781 experiment.
The E781 experiment at FNAL (USA) is a fixed target experiment aimed at the charm barion production in the 600 GeV hyperon beam. PNPI has made significant contribution to the apparatus of this experiment providing transition radiation detectors for particle identification, proportional chambers for the tracking system, read out electronics for proportional chambers and for the Si vertex detector, a fast trigger system, and some other equipment. Also, the PNPI group took an active part in data processing and data analysis.
Participation in D0 experiment.
The D0 experiment is one of the two collider experiments at the FERMILAB proton-antiproton collider Tevatron (USA). PNPI joined the D0 collaboration in 1996 participating in the upgrade program of the D0 detector. The main contribution of the PNPI group within this program was design and production of the read out system (50000 channels) for the new End Cap Muon detector. The PNPI group
is responsible for maintenance and operation of this system. Also, this group participates in the data analysis.
Participation in PHENIX experiment.
The PHENIX experiment at BNL (USA) is designed to study a broad variety of signals from the nuclear-nuclear collisions at the energies of 100 GeV/nucleon. The most important contribution of PNPI to this experiment was design and construction of a special Drift Chamber which serves as the main tracking system in PHENIX. The PNPI group participates in running the PHENIX experiment and in the data analysis.
Participation in HERMES experiment.
The HERMES experiment at DESY (Germany) is designed to study the spin structure of the proton and neutron using the 27.5 GeV polarized electron/positron beam of the HERA accelerator and a hydrogen gas target. The PNPI group is involved in this experiment since its design. In particular, PNPI provided proportional chambers for the HERMES magnetic spectrometer. In the data analysis, the PNPI group concentrated its efforts on studies of the strange particle production in ep-collisions.